We're not just friends.
We're family.
We're ABMA 136.
Well, that introduction sucked but anyway, I still did it because.... reasons. I have a reasons to why I have made this awesome blogpost. The block that I am currently in isn't really my block, I was just an irregular from ABMA137 I enrolled late because my mom wasn't able to pay yet cause she had work. Anyway, I met through the class that I am in with them.
There is a reason to my title is such a thing.
#1: When I was down because of the problem that I had with my pervious block, they were there for me. I am grateful to them because they listened even now knowing that some of my block mates are good friends with them. There are times where I regret them knowing my old block but I can't stop it from happening.
#2: I have different relationships with everyone.

Meet the block. They're the bomb and I don't regret being part of the block.
Hold your horses, let me take that back just a bit. There are times where I do regret being part of the block because I have other block mates who are just absolutely annoying the hell out of me but I still adore these people.
I'll write soon!