Sunday, 3 August 2014


Hello guys!
I have been wanting to put up my own blog and I guess that is what I am doing right now :) Do I still have to introduce myself? Yeah I do :))
I am Bella Magsadia, I am 18 years old and I am currently in my 2nd year in college I am taking up Multimedia Arts, I might major in Film or in Photography. I have 2 younger brothers, one in high school, who is going to graduate in a year and one in grade school, they are both baseball players because of them I got to love baseball and it is the only sport that I currently appreciate at the moment.
The picture on the right is a picture of me, I was in Marikina when this was taken, I was there supporting my brother, the one after me, and his team. When my brother was there in Marikina, it was only finals week for me for the 3rd term which was a total dilemma for me.

Anyway, I don't want this to be a formal introduction where I introduce myself to the online world. I want you guys to get to know as I keep on posting other blog post.

So, a while ago, I logged into my twitter account which is @bllmgsd and I saw that one of my high school batchmates and friend posted 2 pictures of where my batch were huddled into a group photo. I'll just post the pictures, alright? It's hard to explain. :)) We were in our last year in high school, also it was our last performance for the foundation day. I remember the batch was practicing for the dance. I don't know why but this day was awesome because we already considered each other family. I miss them so much now that we're in our separate ways and also that we're in college taking our different degrees.

Another thing y'all know that about me is that I do Youtube videos. You guys should check it out :) (Link: I'm only starting out but I have 12 videos up and yeah, it would mean a lot to mean if y'all go check it out :D

'til the next blog post :)


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