Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Throwback Number 2! #Day2

I was looking at my photo album and my box full of memories, these are some of the pictures that I found.

Now that I am in college, it is kind of funny to look back 'cause you sort of remember what happened that day and it makes me laugh, it also makes me miss my batch and my friends. 

The 2nd to the last picture, the 5th and 6th picture were taken back in high school.

It's really funny, though,

I was very awkward back in high school because I was the typical fangirl of very many fandoms that my batchmates find very weird, which was very okay for me because it defined who I was and it also made me stand out of the batch.

I didn't even give a single shit, also High School was when I started watching YouTube videos. :))

Okay, time for Day 2 of the one blog a day challenge 

How have you changed in the last two years?
Well, I changed a lot. I got to improve on my drawing, I also changed the way I studied, also I got a lot of friends. Guy friends at that, but I usually hang out with girls rather than guys. 
To say the least, I wasn't the same person I was when I started Senior Year of High School 

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