Thursday, 8 January 2015

Lets talk about interests

January 4, 2015
It’s going to sound weird but I have taken interest in crime.
I have been getting hooked on Crime shows and real-life murder cases that I have decided after college I would take up Criminology or Forensics for a one-year course.
I started watching CSI and I have been starting to watching shows related to crime and murder. It’s really interesting because it’s cool how they get DNA out of a small piece of evidence found in the crime scene.
I have also started watching videos on YouTube about actual cases and some of the cases show the actual crime photos of the murders. Let me tell you how disturbing some of the pictures are.
The only reason why I have decided to take up Criminology or Forensics after college, it’s because I want to bring justice to the victim and their family.
These victims did die for nothing because they just felt like they should die.
One of my inspirations is Lt. Joe Kenda. He has solved over 400 cases and that has inspired me to push harder in the course that I am in. Nothing is easy and I am determined to finish college.
There are going to be times where you feel so happy and of course, there are going to be the craziest and shit moments in life. I have so much shitty moments but that’s not going to take its toll on me.
I have always been a warrior and a survivor. It’s something I’m willing to be until I die. I have also been a fighter and I’m known as someone who never backs down on a fight.
I stay happy in front of people but there are going to be times where I will break down in front of you. Y’all might think I’m crying for no reason but really, there’s a reason.

Goal: Stay happy and positive as much as you can. Treasure the people in your life because you might not know when they’re going to be taken away from you.

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