Thursday, 8 January 2015

Nervous feelings

January 5,2015
It’s already the 5th day of the New Year and I feel like time has been going so fast.
Anyway, I want to talk about school. It’s a weird topic to talk about but since we’re going back to school in days or few weeks, I felt like I should be talking about it.
So I come back to school in a week or so and I am so nervous because I have no idea who my professors are going to be. The questions come flooding in my mind all the time every new term, “Are they going to be nice? If they are nice, are they going to be nice enough to give me a high grade? If they’re not nice, well then I am doomed.”
I exert so much effort in my studies and in the end; all I get is bad failing grade. To be honest, it hurts like hell. I have perfect attendance and I pass everything but I get a bad grade in the end because they deem me a failing student.
That alone hurts me.
It hurts me because I am perfect in my attendance even if I am poor in recitation and/or class participation. I pass my assignments on time and I also pass my term papers on time. I ask my professors if I am having a hard time.
Since it is the New Year, I am going to have a fresh start. I was able to do that in the beginning of 2014, but by the time 2014 was going to end. It went downhill.
I mean, there are going to be times where majority of the blame is going to be on me and there is nothing I can do now because that’s in the past now, right?

Goal: Do better. Do something everyday that brings you closer to your goals. If you don’t have you want; work harder. Dreams don’t work unless you do. Nobody said it was easy. Positivity is the key.

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